Thursday, July 29, 2010

Anatoly Karpov visit Malaysia 2010

Listening carefully to Karpov statement.

From L-R Richard Conn, Karpov and Dato' Tan.

Karpov and his advisor Richard Conn being interviewed by Astro Arena.

Hamid Majid - nominees for General FIDE secretary.

It's Yeoh Li Tian turn to be interviewed as our chess prodigy

Then IM Mas. But in astro arena only IM Mas interview was featured in the news (and I am right when I told him that he speaks english during the interview!)

Karpov (B) against Li Tian (W) in a blitz exhibition match

The position

IM Mas was trembling the entire time, including the time where Karpov analyse the game and showed him the better moves.

This is the position. Look equal huh?! but IM Mas blundered a rook few moves later. And he had no idea that the Rook was free until Karpov took it! It's ok Mas, everybody knew your expertise is in Classical game.

Pn Haslindah - VP MCF with IM Mas

(Karpov) "I'll be back again during the Malaysian Chess Festival"

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Let's Play Against Shredder