Thursday, August 25, 2011

11th annual Chess in the Parks Rapid Open

Central Park at the Bethesda Fountain 
(enter at 72nd Street/5th Avenue or Central Park West) 

Saturday, September 24, 2011 

6/SS, G/10, Unrated Event 

Register in Advance! Limited to the first 500 Entrants 

Check-in: 9:00am- 10:00am 
ROUNDS AT 11:00 AM, 12:00 PM, 1:00 PM 
2:00 PM, 3:00 PM AND 4:00 PM 
Bring Chess Sets & Clocks if you own them 

To register or for more information, email: or visit our website: 
You may also register by fax at (212) 564-5523 

Rain Date: September 25, 2011, Rain Info: Dial 311 

Please send name, section, phone number, e-mail address and 
USCF chess rating (if applicable) 

SECTIONS: (subject to change if necessary) 

Youth Unrated: open to unrated players under age 10 
Teen Unrated: open to unrated players aged 10-15 
Adult Unrated: open to unrated players aged 16 and above 
Novice: open to players rated under 1000 
Intermediate: open to players rated 1000-1399 
Open Championship: open to all 

Featuring GM Speed Chess Match at 10:00 AM 
GM to play with challengers throughout the day. There will also be chess puzzles for kids. 
Chess sets, Trophies, Medals, and other prizes to be awarded following the last round!

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Dalam hidup, terkadang kita lebih banyak mendapatkan

Apa yang tidak kita


Dan ketika kita mendapatkan apa yang kita inginkan,

Akhirnya kita tahu bahawa yang kita inginkan

Terkadang tidak dapat membuat

Hidup kita menjadi lebih bahagia.

Let's Play Against Shredder