Friday, August 13, 2010

Hou Yifan Wins Ulan Bataar Chess Tournament

12 August 2010, Ulaan Bataar, Mongolia - Yifan Hou survived an all out push from Stefanova to win the Ulaanbaatar Women's Grand Prix. Stefanova ended in 2nd place while Kosintseva, Zhao Xue and Koneru tied for 3rd - 5th.

The decisive game was played this morning 11th August 2010, opposing A. Stefanova to Hou Yifan who were ahead of the other players. For 1st place, Hou Yifan needed just a draw to be declared winner where as Stefanova had to defeat her opponent to gain the first place. As expected, both players fought strongly, nevertheless the game ended with a draw.

Hou Yifan, with 8 points, is the proud winner of the Grand Prix of Ulaanbaatar Women’s Grand Prix 2010 and she deserves the win, being the only participant with no defeat at all.

Clear second place, with 7½, went to Stefanova who, since the beginning of the tournament appeared to be one of the favourites of this tournament.

Both T. Kosintseva and Koneru were disappointed by their result, however they finished just after Stefanova, with 6½ points each.

The whole tournament has been a real success and the Mongolian Chess Federation should be warmly thanked.

To read more, please click here

Final standings:
1GMHou Yifan2577CHN*½½½½½1½11118039,00
2GMStefanova Antoaneta2560BUL½*100½11½111036,00
3GMKosintseva Tatiana2562RUS½0*1½½½½101132,50
4GMZhao Xue2462CHN½10*11001½½1134,75
5GMKoneru Humpy2600IND½1½0*1½1½10½½36,00
6GMChiburdanidze Maia2514GEO½½½00*1½01116028,50
7GMXu Yuhua2488CHN00½1½0*½½½11025,50
8WGMShen Yang2435CHN½0½10½½*½½015½26,00
9GMZhu Chen2476QAT0½00½1½½*1105½25,75
10GMSebag Marie2519FRA001½00½½0*1½4019,50
11IMBatkhuyag Munguntuul2421MGL000½100100*1016,75
12WIMYildiz Betul2235TUR0000½0001½0*2010,25

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