Tuesday, June 28, 2011

World Team Championship 2011

World Chess Team Championship 2011
15-26th July at the New Century Grand Hotel Ningbo, China (update)

The Chinese Chess Association with the patronage and support of the Ningbo Municipal Government and Ningbo Sports Bureau has the honour to announce the 2011 World Team Chess Championship in Ningbo, China. The event will be held from July 15 2011 (arrival) to July 26 2011 (Departure) at the playing venue in New Century Grand Hotel Ningbo.

According to FIDE Regulations D., the following Federations are entitled to send a team:
1. China (host country)
2. Russia (winner 2009)
3. Ukraine (Olympiad 2010)
4. Israel (Olympiad 2010)
5. Hungary (Olympiad 2010)
6. Azerbaijan (Europe qualifier)
7. India (Asia qualifier)
8. USA (America's qualifier)
9. Egypt (African qualifier)
10. Armenia (FIDE President's nomination)

The championships will be played using a 9 round, round-robin system. The time control: 90' for 40 moves + 30' to the end + 30'' increment per move, staring from move 1. Zero tolerance rule will apply and draw offers can not be made for the first 30 moves.

Each match will be scored by match points as used in the FIDE Olympiad. Winner will get 2 points, a draw will give each team 1 point, and a loss is scored as 0 points.

China completed the team just few days ago: Wang Yue, Wang Hao, Li Chao bYu Yangyi and new national champion Ding Liren will represent the country.

Russian captain GM Evgeny Bareev will announce his team soon. The candidates are Alexander Grischuk, Sergey Karjakin, 2010 European champion Ian Nepomniachtchi, Evgeny Tomashevsky, Nikita Vitiugov, Peter Svidler and 2011 European champion Vladimir Potkin. Vladimir Kramnik asked to be excused from the World Team Championship.

Update: Armenia captain Arshak Petrosian announced his team - Levon Aronian, Sergei Movsesian, Vladimir Akopian, Gabriel Sargissian and Armenia 2011 champion Robert Hovhannisyan.

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