Friday, April 22, 2011

Easter Open Chess

All set for the Easter OPEN CHESS TOURNAMENT

Written by The Zimbabwean
Thursday, 21 April 2011 14:56

After winning the zonal competitions Zimbabwe chess sensation Robert Gwaze will be eyeing the Easter Open chess tournament to be held in Harare from the 22nd -25th of April.

He will be out to defend the tourney which he won last year. Stiff competition for the title will be coming from FIDE Master RODWELL MAKOTO, who is based in South Africa and the current National Champion Dion Moyo who is based in Botswana.

Moreso not to be out done will be SPENCER Masango,Elisha Chimbamu and the veteran Jonah Chaka who is also based in Botswana.

The Zambians Kelvin Chumfwa and Thomas Zulu may also participate and these will make it harder for The chess maestro to simply run away with the big prize.

Below is a chess teaser

The game was played when Zimbabwe got its independence,but it is still vital for the development of the game.

Wittman-Rodriguez ,Prag 1980

white kh3, g3,h4,Rd3,Qd7,a2
Black h5,Qe4,Rc2,Ka3,b3,a5

Black is threatening a mate in one move. How can white avert this mate and force a draw?

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Let's Play Against Shredder