Friday, August 26, 2011

Sadler's amazing return

British GM Matthew Sadler has not been very active in recent years. But after 7 rounds, he scores an amazing 6.5 / 7 to lead the event. 

Top 20 after 7 rounds 

1GMSadler Matthew DENG26256.531.022.526.5
2GMKunte AbhijitIND25286.034.024.525.5
3GMKovalyov AntonARG26126.
4GMIturrizaga EduardoVEN26036.032.023.526.5
5GMNarciso Dublan MarcESP25446.031.022.523.0
6FMJimenez Fraga Pedro AlejandroCUB24646.029.522.523.0
7GMAlvarez Pedraza AramisCUB25516.029.020.523.5
8GMAroshidze LevanGEO25396.
9FMArribas Lopez AngelESP24435.534.024.526.0
10GMHandke FlorianGER25185.532.523.524.0
11GMGonzalez Garcia JoseMEX25225.532.023.023.5
12FMRios Cristhian CamiloCOL24245.532.023.023.5
13GMMirzoev AzerAZE24155.532.023.022.5
14GMSmeets JanNED26285.531.522.522.5
15FMAnton Guijarro DavidESP24735.530.521.522.5
16FMDelgado Ramos HectorCUB24885.529.521.021.5
17IMGullaksen EirikNOR23765.528.020.021.5
18GMNeelotpal DasIND24535.527.520.022.5
19GMCordova EmilioPER25675.527.519.021.0
20IMPulvett DanielVEN23035.527.019.520.5
21FMChueca Forcen AlbertoESP23235.526.520.023.0
22IMLalith Babu M RIND24955.525.518.020.5
23IMPeek MarcelNED23385.524.017.521.0

Full standings here:

Two Games From DAT Malaysia Open 2011

IM Lim Yee Weng, Malaysia26 August 2011, Kuala Lumpur – Here are two games from the 8th Dato’ Arthur Tan Malaysia Open 2011. One was between IM Lim Yee Weng (pix above) of Malaysia against Karunanayake Mayuri during round 1 and the other between GM Li Shilong of China and IM Barbosa Oliver in the fifth round of the tournament.
IM Lim Yee Weng played the Reti Opening in the King’s Indian Attack, Yugoslav Variation. Lim, playing white, manages to outsmart his opponent in the endgame where his last pawn is about to queen.

[Event "Malaysian Open"] 
[Site "Kuala Lumpur MAS"] 
[Date "2011.08.18"] 
[Round "1.37"] 
[White "Lim, Yee-Weng"] 
[Black "Karunanayake, Mayuri"] 
[Result "1-0"] 
[ECO "A05"] 
[PlyCount "139"] 
[EventDate "2011.08.18"] 

1. Nf3 Nf6 2. g3 d5 3. Bg2 c6 4. O-O Bg4 5. Ne5 Bh5 6. b3 Nbd7 7. Bb2 Nxe5 8. Bxe5 e6 9. d3 Bd6 10. Bb2 O-O 11. c4 Re8 12. Re1 Be7 13. Nd2 Nd7 14. Rb1 Bf6 15. b4 Qb6 16. b5 Qa5 17. Bxf6 Nxf6 18. Qc2 Rab8 19. Nb3 Qc7 20. Rbc1 cxb5 21. cxb5 Qxc2 22. Rxc2 Rec8 23. Rec1 Rxc2 24. Rxc2 Kf8 25. Kf1 Ke8 26. Ke1 Kd8 27. Na5 Kd7 28. Kd2 Ng4 29. Bf3 Nf6 30. Bxh5 Nxh5 31. e4 dxe4 32. dxe4 Nf6 33. f3 e5 34. Ke3 Ng8 35. f4 exf4+ 36. gxf4 Ne7 37. Rd2+ Kc7 38. Rc2+ Kd7 39. e5 b6 40. Nc6 Nxc6 41. Rxc6 Re8 42. Kd4 Re6 43. Kd5 g6 44. Rc3 Re7 45. Rh3 h5 46. f5 Ke8 47. fxg6 Rd7+ 48. Kc6 fxg6 49. Ra3 Re7 50. Kd6 Rd7+ 51. Ke6 g5 52. h3 g4 53. hxg4 hxg4 54. Kf5 Rg7 55. Rg3 Ke7 56. Rxg4 Rf7+ 57. Ke4 Rf2 58. a4 Re2+ 59. Kd5 Rd2+ 60. Kc6 Ke6 61. Rg7 Rc2+ 62. Kb7 Rc4 63. Kxa7 Rxa4+ 64. Kxb6 Kxe5 65. Kc5 Ke6 66. b6 Ra2 67. b7 Rb2 68. Rg6+ Kd7 69. Rb6 Rxb6 70. Kxb6 1-0

[Event "Malaysian Open"] 
[Site "Kuala Lumpur MAS"] 
[Date "2011.08.20"] 
[Round "5.1"] 
[White "Li, Shilong"] 
[Black "Barbosa, Oliver"] 
[Result "1-0"] 
[PlyCount "159"] 
[EventDate "2011.08.20"] 

1. d4 d5 2. c4 c6 3. Nf3 Nf6 4. Nc3 dxc4 5. a4 Bf5 6. Ne5 Nbd7 7. Nxc4 Nb6 8. Ne5 a5 9. f3 Nbd7 10. Nxd7 Nxd7 11. e4 Bg6 12. Be2 e6 13. O-O Bb4 14. Be3 O-O 15. Qb3 Qc7 16. Rac1 Rfe8 17. Bd3 Rad8 18. Bb1 Qb8 19. Ne2 f6 20. f4 Bf7 21. Qc2 Kh8 22. Nc3 Bg6 23. Qf2 f5 24. e5 Nb6 25. Ba2 Qa8 26. Qe2 Rd7 27. Bb3 Qd8 28. h3 Nc8 29. Kh2 Rf7 30. Na2 Bf8 31. Qe1 Rd7 32. Bc4 Bh5 33. Rf2 h6 34. Nc3 Bb4 35. Bb3 Qe7 36. Qf1 Qf7 37. g3 Be7 38. Qc4 Bd8 39. Rg1 Qe7 40. Kh1 Nb6 41. Qf1 Qb4 42. Ba2 Nxa4 43. g4 Bg6 44. Nxa4 Qxa4 45. Bb1 Qb3 46. gxf5 Bxf5 47. Bxf5 exf5 48. Qe2 Qg8 49. Rfg2 Re6 50. d5 cxd5 51. Bd4 Qe8 52. Rg3 Kh7 53. Qc2 g6 54. Re3 Qe7 55. Qb3 Qh4 56. Qb5 Rc6 57. Rf3 Qe7 58. Rfg3 Qb4 59. Qd3 Bb6 60. e6 Rg7 61. Bxg7 Bxg1 62. Bc3 Qxf4 63. Qxd5 Qe4+ 64. Qxe4 fxe4 65. Kxg1 Rxe6 66. Bxa5 g5 67. Rb3 Re7 68. Rb6 Rf7 69. Bc3 Re7 70. Kf2 Rf7+ 71. Ke2 Rf3 72. Rxb7+ Kg6 73. Rb6+ Kh7 74. h4 gxh4 75. Bd2 Rh3 76. Rxh6+ Kg7 77. Re6 Rh1 78. Rxe4 h3 79. Rh4 Kf7 80. Kf3 1-0

SOCAR ready for the European Club Cup

Azerbaijani Chess Club SOCAR has announced its lineup for the upcoming European Club Cup in Slovenia, reported.
SOCAR captain, also the head coach of Azerbaijan, GM Vladimir Tukmakov, kept the core of the last year’s team but also introduced certain changes. Azerbaijan nationals Shakhriyar MamedyarovTeimour Radjabov, Rauf Mamedov and Eltaj Safarli all remain with the club.
Of the foreign players, Candidate Matches finalist Alexander Grischuk and former World Champion Rustam Kasimdzhanov continue the stint with SOCAR.
Alexei Shirov and newly crowned French champion Maxim Vachier-Lagrave will be replaced by Andrei Volokitin (Ukraine) and Emil Sutovsky (Israel).

1st International Tournament Isthmia 2011

The 1st International Tournament Isthmia 2011 took place from 18th to 25th August at the “Alkyon” Hotel in Vrachati, Korinthia, Greece. The tournament was 9-rounds Swiss event, divided in two rating groups.
Group A was for the players with FIDE rating over 2000 and Group B for the players with FIDE rating under 1900 or unrated. Players rated 1850 – 2000 were free to select in which group they will participate.
Group A gathered 92 players from 16 countries, with 20 Grandmasters in the field. By winning the crucial last round games with black pieces, Grandmasters Sergei Tiviakov (NED) and Salvador Del Rio De Angelis (ESP) moved ahead of the rest of the field to share the first place with 7.0 points each. Top two prizes are 5000 EUR worth.
Group B had 66 participants. Ioannis Tassis took a clear first place with 7.5 points from nine games.
The tournament is organized by Pnevmatiki Stegi Peristeriou, Korinthia Chess Academy “Argonaftis”, Prefecture of Peloponnisos and Municipality of Velo Vocha.
Group A final standings:
1. GM Tiviakov Sergei NED 2623 – 7
2. GM Del Rio De Angelis Salvador G ESP 2509 – 7
3. GM Volkov Sergey RUS 2607 – 6.5
4. GM Solak Dragan SRB 2598 – 6.5
5. GM Nikolaidis Ioannis GRE 2545 – 6.5
6. GM Shanava Konstantine GEO 2535 – 6.5
7. GM Peralta Fernando ARG 2601 – 6.5
8. GM Mastrovasilis Athanasios GRE 2537 – 6
9. GM Atalik Suat TUR 2619 – 6
10. GM Kotronias Vasilios GRE 2588 – 6
11. GM Rozentalis Eduardas LTU 2571 – 6
12. GM Svetushkin Dmitry MDA 2576 – 6
13. GM Burmakin Vladimir RUS 2579 – 6
14. GM Baklan Vladimir UKR 2620 – 6
15. GM Jojua Davit GEO 2505 – 6
16. Valden Petros GRE 2201 – 6
17. IM Javakhishvili Lela GEO 2469 – 5.5
18. GM Skembris Spyridon GRE 2475 – 5.5
19. GM Banikas Hristos GRE 2593 – 5.5
20. GM Kasparov Sergey BLR 2503 – 5.5
21. GM Kapnisis Spyridon GRE 2529 – 5.5
22. Tsekouras Theodoros GRE 2223 – 5.5
23. Galopoulos Nikolaos GRE 2327 – 5.5
24. Azis Azizis Ektoras GRE 2246 – 5.5
25. FM Gogolis Alexandros GRE 2261 – 5.5
26. GM Sethuraman S P IND 2529 – 5
27. IM Shoker Samy EGY 2475 – 5
28. IM Georgiadis Ioannis GRE 2464 – 5
29. Filippas Sebastian GRE 2246 – 5
30. FM Nikolaidis Konstantinos GRE 2274 – 5
31. Fragkos Vasilios GRE 2022 – 5
32. Theodorou Nikolas GRE 1859 – 5
33. Soultatis Kostas GRE 2050 – 5
34. Stoumbou Eleni GRE 1873 – 5
35. Naoum Spyridon GRE 1999 – 5
36. Xylogiannopoulos Antonios GRE 2104 – 5
37. Michelakos Panagiotis GRE 2111 – 5
38. Tsokopoulos Dedalos GRE 1992 – 5
39. Kostouros Alexandros GRE 2166 – 5
40. Kouvatsos Filippos GRE 2152 – 5
41. Spiliadis Athanasios GRE 1896 – 5
42. Zeppos Panagiotis GRE 1949 – 4.5
43. WIM Pavlidou Ekaterini GRE 2220 – 4.5
44. Mihopoulos Konstantinos GRE 1968 – 4.5
45. Spirakopoulos Ioannis GRE 2155 – 4.5
46. Rigopoulos-Tsigkos Alexandros GRE 2041 – 4.5
47. Papadimitriou Athanasios GRE 2184 – 4.5
48. Spiropoulos Panagiotis I GRE 2086 – 4.5
49. Papakonstantinou Dimitrios GRE 2018 – 4.5
50. Papadopoulos Georgios GRE 2029 – 4.5
51. Adamopoulos Ioannis GRE 2070 – 4.5
52. Hrisanthopoulos Dimitrios GRE 2076 – 4
53. Kokolias Konstantinos GRE 2205 – 4
54. WIM Kasparova Tatiana BLR 2129 – 4
55. Skiadopoulos Nikolaos GRE 2111 – 4
56. Bellos Ioannis GRE 1944 – 4
57. Sverkounos Spyridon GRE 2051 – 4
58. Gkikas Hristos GRE 1853 – 4
59. Sideris Theodoros GRE 2050 – 4
60. Lappas Konstantinos GRE 1972 – 4
61. FM Pountzas Hrisanthos GRE 2177 – 4
62. Lommers Frank NED 2176 – 4
63. Kaldis Georgios GRE 1945 – 4
64. Papathanasiou Elisavet GRE 1884 – 4
65. Asimakopoulos Ioannis GRE 1964 – 4
66. Papakonstantinou Dimitrios GRE 1783 – 4
67. Skouvaklis Alexis SUI 2084 – 4
68. Marianidis Dimitrios GRE 1850 – 4
69. Stamos Filippos GRE 1914 – 3.5
70. Papasimakopoulos Alexandros GRE 1835 – 3.5
71. Linos Efstathios GRE 1875 – 3.5
72. Kelires Andreas CYP 1825 – 3.5
73. Tzolas Georgios GRE 2049 – 3.5
74. Bournakas Alexis GRE 0 – 3.5
75. Karaoulanis Dimitrios GRE 1982 – 3
76. Amiridou Dimitra GRE 1664 – 3
77. Drakaki Anna-Maria GRE 1742 – 3
78. Asimakopoulos Konstantinos GRE 1929 – 3
79. Paouris Nikolaos GRE 2030 – 3
80. Vazelakis Dimitrios GRE 2022 – 3
81. Mantikos Konstantinos GRE 1823 – 3
82. Tsiros Fragkiskos Vlasios GRE 1730 – 3
83. Fragkou Eleni GRE 1864 – 2.5
84. Kokossis Danae GRE 1768 – 2.5
85. Hatzoudis Gerasimos GRE 1830 – 2.5
86. Kalofonos Panayotis GRE 1713 – 2.5
87. Antoniadis Nikolaos GRE 1848 – 2.5
88. Serefidou Despina GRE 1705 – 2.5
89. Habesis Panayotis GRE 1760 – 2.5
90. Bellos Evangelos GRE 1621 – 2.5
91. Gripeos Kiriakos GRE 2127 – 2
92. Zorbas Nikolaos GRE 1876 – 2

French Chess Queen Milliet wins National Women's Championship with 1 to go

With 1 round to go, Sophie Milliet has already secured clear first place at the 2011 French Women's Championship. 

Standings with 1 game to go: 

1.Milliet, Sophiem2355
2.Maisuradze, Ninowg23295
3.Leconte, Mariawg2327
4.Guichard, Paulinewg23054
5.Bollengier, Andreeawm22074
6.Collas, Silviam23233

Official website:

Vachier-Lagrave wins French Championship

Coming into the final game, Vachier-Lagrave and Fressinet were tied for 1st. However, a loss by Fressinet in the final round costs him at least a share of 1st. 

Final standings 

1.Vachier-Lagrave, Maximeg2722F½½½½½½½111½7
2.Fressinet, Laurentg2698½R½½11010½½1
3.Bacrot, Etienneg2710½½E½½1½½½½½1
4.Istratescu, Andreig2645½½½N½½½½1½½1
5.Feller, Sebastieng2666½0½½C½½½1½11
6.Edouard, Romaing2587½00½½H1½01116
7.Bauer, Christiang2637½1½½½0*½½½0½5
8.Dorfman, Iossifg2578½0½½½½½C½½½½5
9.Le Roux, Jean-Pierreg251701½001½½H0½½
10.Hamdouchi, Hichamg26280½½½½0½½1A½0
11.Bricard, Emmanuelg25020½½½001½½½M½
12.Shchekachev, Andreig2537½00000½½½1½P

Official website:

Gunina in sole lead of Russian Women's Championship

Standings after 6 rounds 

1Zaiatz, Elena2419

2Kosteniuk, Alexandra2497

3Shadrina, Tatiana23730

4Charochkina, Daria23101

5Kovanova, Baira2354

6Pogonina, Natalija24420

7Girya, Olga2371

8Bodnaruk, Anastasia2431


9Galliamova, Alisa2492

10Gunina, Valentina24871

Official website:

Li Shilong wins 8th Dato' Arthur Tan Malaysia Open 2011

Top 25 finishers: 

1GMLi Shilong2520CHN54½1st
2IMLu Shanglei2526CHN7532nd
3GMWen Yang2558CHN7473rd
Wan Yunguo2462CHN514th
5GMWang Rui2436CHN49½5th
6WGMJu Wenjun2515CHN45½6th
7GMSanchez Joseph2534PHI447th
8IMDimakiling Oliver2414PHI6548th
9GMSalvador Roland2527PHI650½9th
10IMNguyen Duc Hoa2452VIE648½10th
Yu Ruiyuan2431CHN64711th
12IMRolando Nolte2433PHI646½12th
13IMYu Lie2414CHN64613th
14GMDao Thien Hai2492VIE645½14th
Udani Ian2307PHI644½15th
16GMGasanov Eldar2472UKR642½16th
17WIMMuminova Nafisa2319UZB6421st ladies
Tumpak Sinurat0INA637½17th
19IMBarbosa Oliver2514PHI5218th
20GMCao Sang2533VIE5119th
Wang Jue2294CHN49best u16
Vakhidov Jahongir2392UZB4520th
23IMLane Gary W2369AUS44
24IMBitoon Richard2491PHI44
Pitra Andika2303INA42½
26FMCheng Bobby2323AUS41½
27WGMZhang Xiaowen2389CHN402nd ladies

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Let's Play Against Shredder