Monday, December 20, 2010

Grigoryan wins Bansko

Avetik Grigoryan impressive in Bansko OpenThe Armenian champion wins the tournament with 8 points from nine games

Armenian champion GM Avetik Grigoryan concluded the Bansko Grand Chess Open 2010 in style, by winning the final game with Black pieces and claiming a clear first place with an impressive 8 points from nine rounds. Confident and persistent, strong and concentrated in decisive moments, Grigoryan had the right approach to achieve this fantastic result.

The only player that could follow his pace was IM Tamir Nabaty of Israel. Nabaty shared the lead earlier, but drew the last round against the top-seeded Ivan Cheparinov and finished clear second with 7.5 points. He also won the fifth and final GM norm, and having already sporting the elo above 2500 FIDE, he will be awarded the Grandmaster title at the next FIDE Presidential Board in Antalya. It is curious that Nabaty earned three GM norms on Bulgarian soil (Albena, Plovdiv, Bansko).

IM Grigor Grigorov is another player bound to celebrate the event. He defeated GM Marijan Petrov and fulfilled the requirements for the Grandmaster title. His final standing was clear third, with 7 points. Sergey Strelnikov from Ukraine earned the IM norm with a total of 6 points.

Round 9 top results:

GM Georgiev Vladimir - GM Grigoryan Avetik 0 - 1
IM Nabaty Tamir - GM Cheparinov Ivan ½ - ½
IM Arnaudov G Petar - GM Mastrovasilis Athanasios ½ - ½
GM Petrov Marijan - IM Grigorov Grigor 0 - 1
GM Danielsen Henrik - IM Zaslavsky Mikhail ½ - ½
GM Savchenko Boris - IM Berbatov Kiprian ½ - ½
IM Collas Silvia - GM Nikolaidis Ioannis ½ - ½
Korobkov Piotr - FM Aggelis Nikolaos 1 - 0
IM Perunovic Miodrag - IM Dobrev Nanko 0 - 1
WIM Videnova Iva - GM Georgiev Krum ½ - ½
IM Maksimovic Branimir - Malikentzos Sotirios ½ - ½
Sotirov Nikolaj - IM Ashwin Jayaram 0 - 1
Zygouris Hristos - Strelnikov Sergey 0 - 1
IM Dimitrov Radoslav - Yakimenko Alexander A 1 - 0

Final standings:

1 GM Grigoryan Avetik ARM 2580 8
2 IM Nabaty Tamir ISR 2529 7.5
3 IM Grigorov Grigor BUL 2479 7
4 GM Cheparinov Ivan BUL 2668 6.5
5 GM Mastrovasilis Athanasios GRE 2556 6.5
6 IM Dobrev Nanko BUL 2376 6.5
7 Korobkov Piotr UKR 2484 6.5
8 IM Arnaudov G Petar BUL 2468 6.5
9 GM Danielsen Henrik ISL 2516 6.5
10 IM Zaslavsky Mikhail ISR 2424 6.5
11 GM Savchenko Boris RUS 2632 6
12 GM Georgiev Vladimir MKD 2582 6
13 GM Petrov Marijan BUL 2534 6
14 GM Nikolaidis Ioannis GRE 2552 6
15 Strelnikov Sergey UKR 2419 6
16 IM Berbatov Kiprian BUL 2461 6
17 FM Kukov Velislav BUL 2355 6
18 IM Collas Silvia FRA 2300 6
19 IM Ashwin Jayaram IND 2420 6
20 IM Dimitrov Radoslav BUL 2410 6
21 FM Velchev Hristo BUL 2322 6
22 IM Maksimovic Branimir SRB 2421 5.5
23 GM Georgiev Krum BUL 2422 5.5
24 IM Perunovic Miodrag SRB 2465 5.5
25 Malikentzos Sotirios GRE 2312 5.5
26 Galburd Yan ISR 2322 5.5
27 FM Fazulyanov Sergey RUS 2365 5.5
28 FM Pavlidis Anastasios GRE 2352 5.5
29 Dounis Alexandros GRE 2207 5.5
30 FM Aggelis Nikolaos GRE 2337 5.5
31 WIM Videnova Iva BUL 2269 5.5
32 NM Gochev Mladen BUL 2261 5.5
33 NM Dichev Nedelcho BUL 2142 5.5
34 Harokopakis Georgios GRE 1984 5.5
35 Kolev Vasil BUL 1991 5.5

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