Friday, December 3, 2010

King of Manly Village

Ben Tapsell, king of chess, rules Manly Village2 Dec 10 @ 05:24pm by John Morcombe

MANLY Village Public School’s inaugural chess tournament came down to a nail-biting end yesterday when Ben Tapsell, 8, checkmated 11-year-old Yeong Kweon in a tense lunchtime final.

Although the school’s chess club has around 50 members, including about 30 regulars, the tournament was open to all students at the school.

Manly Village Public School teacher Peter Hopper said 25 students took part in the fiveweek tournament, supervised by fellow teacher Cherie Johnson- Read.

‘‘The growing interest in chess at our school will ensure the tournament becomes an annual competition,’’ she said.

Yesterday, young Ben proved the winner, but not before being checked by Yeong several times.

Semi-finalists were Liam McGregor, 10, and Calvin Bruun Plener, 11.


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