Thursday, December 2, 2010

Italian Championship update by Adolivio

(left to right) – Fabio Magini, joiurnalist of NET, riddles (puzzle, crosswords, etc) weekly magazine.- GM Fabiano Caruana - Simone Battaggia, journalist of ‘La Gazzetta dello Sport’ the main sport daily newspaper in Italy - the two journalists were winners of the Premio Zichichi 2010 (articles published in 2009) award.

Quick update by Adolivio from Italy

After 8 rounds, GM Caruana succeeded in catching the leaders at the 70th Italian Championship, held in Siena, the nice and historical town of Tuscany.

Today Caruana won while GM Garcia-Palermo and IM Denis Rombaldoni (both with black) made draw, so these three players now are leading with 6 points. Fourth with 5 points is IM D’Amore.

The 12 players, round robin Italian Championship will end on Dec 4th.

Games, results etc on

I would also like to take this opportunity to thank Adolivio (Italian Chess Federation) for his wonderful hospitality. He took his time to show me around in Milan and organized a special lunch in my honor when I recently was in Milan for the 21min conference.

Round 8 results

Caruana, Fabiano- Dvirnyy, Daniyyl1-0
D'Amore, Carlo- Garcia Palermo, Carlos½
Godena, Michele- Rombaldoni, Axel1-0
Bonafede, Alessandro- Brunello, Sabino0-1
Ortega, Lexy- Rombaldoni, Denis½
Genocchio, Daniele- Piscopo, Pierluigi0-1

Standings after 8 rounds

1-3.Caruana, FabianogITA27096
1-3.Rombaldoni, DenismITA24946
1-3.Garcia Palermo, CarlosgITA24656
4.D'Amore, CarlomITA24855
5.Piscopo, PierluigimITA2399
6.Godena, MichelegITA25494
7-8.Genocchio, DanielemITA2433
7-8.Brunello, SabinomITA2544
9-10.Ortega, LexygITA24803
9-10.Dvirnyy, DaniyylmITA24923
11.Bonafede, AlessandrofITA23102
12.Rombaldoni, AxelmITA2471

Official website:

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