Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Free T-shirt for Chess Evolution fans

Bundesliga Arkadij Naiditsch
A free chess T-shirt for the new CE fansGet three priceless books by the 2700 club authors
Chess Evolution July edition is coming hot this month to the online shop. With authors like Jobava, Naiditsch, Bacrot, Sokolov, Predojevic, Maze, and Meier, this month's edition is going to be even better.

It includes strategies and opening keys of the recent Candidates matches, games of Carlsen, Ivanchuk, Nisipeanu and the others from Bazna, secret repertoire by Wesley So, Karjakin, Sasikiran, Le Quang Liem, Wojtaszek, Shirov, Caruana, Milton, all of these as a basis for what we can expect to unfold on the upcoming World Cup 2011 or Bilbao. There is also a special endgame section, while the games themselves are explained in a very human and understandable nature (see FREE example from July edition below).

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Special offer

To celebrate the coming July edition, GM Naiditsch has joined Chessdom for live commentary of Biel and is making a special offer for the Chessdom audience:

If you get the March, May, and July edition there is a special discount price of 90 eur for the books, plus free shipping, and a free T-shirt from the Lord of Chess!

If you want the July edition only, then only during this week you can use a discount as well, both for CE and Lord of Chess.

For both promotions and free shipping send your request here

Example from July edition

Here is an example from the July edition, it is an annotation by GM Predojevic. To replay it in your own viewer,download the pgn here

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Let's Play Against Shredder