Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Russian city of Samara hosts Polugaevsky Memorial

Lev Polugaevsky Memorial
Sunday, 10 July 2011 20:54

The Russian city of Samara is paying a tribute to the legendary Grandmaster Lev Polugaevsky. The Memorial tournament is taking place from 5th to 13th July as a 9-round Swiss competition.

The total prize fund is 11300 EUR and the tournament is a qualifier for the 2011 Russian Cup. Denis Khismatullin, Alexander Lastin, Orissa Open winner Aleksej Aleksandrov and Rilton Cup winner Sergey Volkov are the top rated players.

GM Pavel Smirnov started furiously with five straight victories and then in the 6th round he conceded the first draw to IM Jakov Geller. GM Semen Dvoirys defeated IM Igor Kovalenko and joined Smirnov on the shared first place.

Tournament website

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