Monday, November 22, 2010

Aronian Declared Blitz King!

18 November 2010, Kuala Lumpur – GM Aronian Levon (pix below) was declared the Blitz King despite losing the 37th and 38th rounds to Sergey Karjakin and Peter Svidler respectively, ended with 24.5 points. In second place was GM Radjabov Timour with 24.0 points.

The table below is the standings up to rounds 38 from the official website.

GM Magnus Carlsen finished in third place with 23.5 points.

GM Hikaru Nakamura finished in fifth place wtih 21.5 points behing GM Boris Gelfand who finished in fourth rank with the same 21.5 points.


The full cross table of 38 rounds of the World Blitz Championship, Moscow 2010 is shown below.


To see more tables and results please visit the official website,

Or visit Susan Polgar’s Chess Daily news blog or click here.

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