Thursday, November 25, 2010

Player’s contract for Participation in the Candidates Matches

Player’s contract for Participation in the Candidates Matches
Kazan, Russia, 3 - 27 May 2011

The World Chess Federation (FIDE) is the governing body of the World Chess Championship cycle

2009-2011 and the Candidates Matches 2011 are an integral part of it (hereinafter referred to as the Candidates Matches).

The Administrator of the 2011 Candidates Matches is FIDE, in collaboration with the Russian Chess Federation which is the local Organising Authority.

In order to ensure that the Candidates Matches are played in accordance with the approved regulations and the statutes of FIDE, the following provisions shall apply:

1. Dates and Venue
1.1 The Candidates Matches will be held from 3 May 2011 (arrival) to 27 May 2011 (departure) in Kazan, Russia.
1.2 All the participants in the Candidates Matches, and their delegation, must use the official hotel(s) of the event.

2. Right of Participation
2.1 A list of qualified players and reserves, approved so far by FIDE, is published online on the FIDE website as well as the publication of any other important information regarding the event. The present Player’s Contract is also published on the FIDE website, from where the players can
download it and send it to the FIDE Secretariat within the deadline specified below.
2.2 Qualified participants are entitled to play in the Candidates Matches. This right may only be set aside if the player does not meet the deadlines specified in the approved regulations or otherwise behaves in a way and manner that is in violation of the provisions of this contract, when a reserve may replace him.

3. Confirmation deadlines
3.1 Qualified players and reserves are expected to fax or email a copy of their signed contract, as well as the original by registered post, reaching the FIDE Secretariat no later than 22 December 2010, GMT 13:00. After 22 December 2010, FIDE will announce the provisional list of players and the final pairings of the 1st round matches will be announced on 4 February 2011, after all possible replacements are made, if any (articles 3.3.1, 3.3.2 and 3.3.3 of regulations).
3.2 Qualified players shall register at the Candidates Matches secretariat in Kazan in person no later than the time set for the opening ceremony, failing which their right of participation may be forfeited. The FIDE President has the right to allow participation in exceptional circumstances.

4. The Player’s Obligations
4.1 On signing this contract, the player commits himself to completing the various stages of the Championship in accordance with the regulations for the World Cup, Candidate Matches, World Chess Championship Match, FIDE Code of Ethics, FIDE Anti-Doping Disciplinary Regulations, FIDE Statutes, FIDE Laws of Chess and regulations which form an integral part of this contract, except in the case of illness evidenced by a medical certificate.

Player’s initials:………………………………

4.2 All players that sign this contract are not permitted to take part in any World Championship event which is not recognized by FIDE.
4.3 During the event, players will have to give interviews and make appearances as described in article 3.12.2 of the Candidates Matches Regulations.
4.4 Players may be required to wear clothes or apparel with special branding from sponsors when specifically approved by the FIDE President.
4.5 Players are required to appear punctually for the commencement of play in each game of every round. A player who arrives at the chessboard after the start of the session shall lose the game. Thus the default time is 0 (zero) minutes. Moreover, any unjustified violation of this rule may also attract a fine of USD 3,000. Such a fine is decided by the Chief Arbiter and shall be deducted from the prize money.
4.6 Participants in the Candidates Matches shall be required to attend the Opening Ceremony, Closing Ceremony or any official reception specifically approved by the FIDE President, failing which a fine as detailed in the regulations, may be imposed and deducted from the prize money for each violation.

5. Financial conditions
5.1 The Candidates Matches have a total prize fund of EUR 420,000 (four hundred and twenty thousand euros). The amount of EUR 420,000 will be distributed as follows: the 4 losers of the first round matches will each receive 30,000 euros. The 2 losers of the second round matches will each receive 60,000 euros. The prize fund for the final match of the 3rd round is 180,000 euros which will be divided 50%-50% between the two players (90,000 euros each).
5.2 Subject to the provisions of this contract, the amount to which each player is entitled, will be paid by direct bank transfer or cheque drawn in euros on UBS Lausanne, Switzerland not later than two weeks after the event is completed.
5.3 Although FIDE has an agreement with the organiser that the prize funds are net and free of all local tax, FIDE will not be responsible for any national or local tax deducted from the prize money. FIDE will give all necessary assistance to the players if the organiser acts to the contrary.
5.4 FIDE or the Organising Committee will not be responsible for any application of political or financial sanctions from the organising country against the players of the tournament. At the same time, FIDE has no prior knowledge of such sanctions.
5.5 Without prejudice to the provisions of this contract, the game scores and score sheets are the property of FIDE.
5.6 Each player will receive two (2) free single rooms for their hotel accommodation, including full board, for the whole duration of their matches. There shall be no cash advance or pocket money for the players. On written request of a player, at least two weeks before the Candidates Matches, FIDE may agree to settle players’ bills up to EUR 1,000 per round by deducting the amount from their prize money. With the prior approval of FIDE, in writing, this arrangement may be extended to accompanying persons.

6. Arbitration

6.1 Any dispute arising from or related to the present contract will be submitted exclusively to the Court of Arbitration for Sports in Lausanne, Switzerland, and resolved definitively in accordance with the Code of Sports related Arbitration.

By signing this contract, I hereby confirm that I will participate in the Candidates Matches of the 2009-2011 World Chess Championship cycle and have in consultation with my national federation acquainted myself with the applicable FIDE Statutes, FIDE Code of Ethics, FIDE Anti-Doping Disciplinary Regulations, FIDE Laws of Chess and rules and regulations and accept the conditions relating to my participation.

Signature of Player: ……………………...................…… Full Name: ………………………...…………………

Signature of FIDE President Kirsan Ilyumzhinov:…………………..…. Place and date: ……………..

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