Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Herman Wins UTM Open Nov 2010

Herman Rahman9 November 2010, Kuala Lumpur – Herman Rahman (pix left) became the University Technology Malaysia (UTM) Open Chess Champion for the First Sunday Chess (FSC) for the month of November 2010. He scored 5.5 points from six rounds of play. In second place was Eddy Kwan with 5.5 points, too but a lower tiebreak points. In third place was Dr Nasrul (Naserov blogger) with 4 points.

There were 23 players in the open category, 13 players in the under-16 category and 11 players in the Under-12 category. A grand total of 47 players in all.

Here is the full final standings of the Open category, First Sunday Chess November 2010.
Final Standings Under-16 Category Results, UTM Nov 2010.
Final Standings Under-12 Category Results.
(source: Dr Nasrul Humaimi Mahmood/ Asri Hohad, UTM)

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Apa yang tidak kita


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Akhirnya kita tahu bahawa yang kita inginkan

Terkadang tidak dapat membuat

Hidup kita menjadi lebih bahagia.

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