Friday, February 25, 2011

Frenzy of entries in chess championships

Friday February 25, 2011
Frenzy of entriesChess BY QUAH SENG SUN

New development augurs well for local chess scene.

IN a development rather unprecedented for Malaysian chess, I have just learnt that all the places in this year’s national closed and national women’s closed chess championships from March 16-20 may have been completely filled by now.

If you are still dithering over whether or not to play in either of the two competitions, your best chance is to give the organisers a call and enquire directly from them.

The Malaysian Chess Federation (MCF) is the organiser of both events. They had allowed only 110 places collectively for the two competitions but a frenzy of entries received before last Sunday’s deadline for a 20% discount on the entry fees meant that the places were quickly filled up.

That, by itself, is quite an achievement. Chess players are known to be procrastinators with their time. Who was it that once wrote about the relationship between work and time?

Full article here.

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Dalam hidup, terkadang kita lebih banyak mendapatkan

Apa yang tidak kita


Dan ketika kita mendapatkan apa yang kita inginkan,

Akhirnya kita tahu bahawa yang kita inginkan

Terkadang tidak dapat membuat

Hidup kita menjadi lebih bahagia.

Let's Play Against Shredder