Thursday, February 17, 2011

Romanian Chess Championships

Romanian Chess Championships12th to 20th February in Sarata Monteoru

The 2011 Romanian Chess Championships for Men and Women are taking place concurrently from 12th to 20th February in Sarata Monteoru. The Men Championship with 138 participants is being played over 11 rounds of Swiss system. GM Vladislav Nevednichy, IM Lucian-Costin Miron and the defending champion GM Constantin Lupulescu are currently sharing the lead with 5.5 points from six games.

The Women Championship with 35 participants is being played over 9 rounds of Swiss system. WGM Cristina-Adela Foisor is the sole leader with 4.5 points from five games.

Round 6 standings (Men):

1-3. GM Nevednichy Vladislav 2536, IM Miron Lucian-Costin 2509 and GM Lupulescu Constantin 2619 - 5.5

4-7. GM Parligras Mircea-Emilian 2594, GM Berescu Alin-Mile 2476, IM Cioara Andrei-Nestor 2427 and GM Badea Bela 2493 - 5.0

8-14. GM Szabo Gergely-Andras-Gyula 2542, FM Dragomirescu Robin-Alexandru 2403, IM Ardelean George-Catalin 2506, FM Voiteanu Gabriel 2283, GM Manolache Marius 2544, FM Pessi Emil-George 2221 and CM Stanciu Alexandru-Ovidiu 2297 - 4.5

15-35. GM Nanu Costica-Ciprian 2526, FM Anton Teodor 2316, CM Miroiu George-Catalin 2277, CM Horvat Dan-Sebastian 2171, IM Vasilescu Lucian-Mihail 2298, FM Balla Tamas-Kristof 2394, FM Baratosi Daniel 2372, CM Sava Bogdan 2153, FM Baciu Stefan 2236, FM Georgescu Tiberiu-Marian 2406, FM Petrisor Adrian-Marian 2386, IM Manea Alexandru 2384, CM Turcu Iulian 2200, NM Bonte Andrei-Mihai 2331, IM Florescu Codrut-Constantin 2226, NM Ciobanu Aurelian 2214, CM Stegariu Vlad-Ionut 2195, CM Chifor Ovidiu-Emanuel 2276, NM Posedaru Bogdan 2322, IM Doncea Vladimir 2402 and CM Gilea Lucian 2285 - 4.0 etc

Round 5 standings (Women):

1. WGM Foisor Cristina-Adela 2405 - 4.5

2-5. WGM Peptan Corina-Isabela 2414, WIM Padurariu Ioana-Smaranda 2160, WFM Sgircea Silvia-Raluca 2203 and WNM Uta Adeline-Ramona 2096 - 4.0

6-9. WGM Paulet Iozefina 2264, WCM Anusca Madalina-Maria 2029, WIM Bulmaga Irina 2260 and WGM Sandu Mihaela 2213 - 3.5

10-13. WIM Dragomirescu Angela 2174, WIM Mosnegutu Mariana 2178, WFM Foisor Mihaela-Veronica 2193 and WCM Lolici Iselin-Amanda 1988 - 3.0 etc.

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