Monday, February 28, 2011

Solodovnichenko Wins Rochefort Open

GM Yuri Solodovnichenko Wins Rochefort Open19th to 25th February at the Salle Colbert at Congress Palais, in Rochefort, France

The 10th Rochefort Open tournament was held from 19th to 25th February at the Salle Colbert at Congress Palais, in Rochefort, France. 44 players took part in the A tournament, and among them 6 Grandmasters, 9 International Masters, one Woman IM and 3 FIDE Masters.

GM Yuri Solodovnichenko dominated the tournament ever since he singled out on the top after the fourth round. Eventually he took the first place with 7.5 points from nine games, leaving the rest of the field full point behind.

The commentator WIM Iva Videnova is having a double reason to celebrate, as she earned the third and final WGM norm and also her first IM norm. Congratulations!

Final standings:

1. GM Yuri Solodovnichenko UKR 2577 - 7.5

2. GM David Arutinian GEO 2578 - 6.5

3-8. GM Alexei Barsov UZB 2498, IM Vincent Colin FRA 2440, WIM Iva Videnova BUL 2284, IM Adrien Demuth FRA 2360, GM Ventzislav Inkiov BUL 2504 and GM Evgeny Sharapov UKR 2468 - 6.0

9-13. IM Xavier Bedouin FRA 2400, IM Ismael Karim MAR 2375, GM Vasile Sanduleac MDA 2442, Dylan Viennot FRA 2074 and IM Slavisa Peric SRB 2236 - 5.5 etc.

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