Tuesday, February 1, 2011

DATCC Maverick Rapid Chess Weekend

(A National Rated Event)

Following the success of its first DATCC Rapid Chess Weekender series for 2011 – Renegade Rapid last Sunday, DATCC will once again be organizing the second 2011 Weekender series, the DATCC Maverick Rapid Chess Weekend on 27 February (Sunday). This is an open event for all chess players of various playing strength with attractive prizes awarded to the eventual winners including special prizes for junior player, best female player, unrated player, veteran (NEW!) and players rated below 1600 and 1400 (and NEW added prizes for second best players in these two categories). PRIMARY and SECONDARY SCHOOL students playing in this event will receive a Certificate of Participation for taking part in this event provided registration/payment is made before 21st February 2011.

Time Control is 25 minutes per player per game (to finish)

Tournament Format used is 7 Round Swiss System Pairing

Schedule of Rounds

27th February 2011
Round 4
Round 1
Round 5
Round 2
Round 6
Round 3
Round 7
1:00pm – 2:00om
Lunch Break
Prize Giving

Prize Money

Champion      : RM 300       .Best Lady     : RM 40 (Provided 3 or more players playing)
Runner Up     : RM 150       .Best U-12     : RM 40 (Provided 3 or more players playing)
Third             : RM 100       .Best Veteran : RM 40 (Provided 3 or more players playing) NEW! (Above 50)
Fourth           : RM 50         .Best Unrated : RM 40 (Provided 3 or more players playing)
Fifth             : RM 50         .National Rating below 1600         National Rating below 1400
Sixth             : RM 50         .Best Player   : RM 40                  .Best Player   : RM 40
                                      .2nd Best        : RM 30 NEW!         .2nd Best        : RM 30 NEW!

Tie break used

1. Bucholz with variable [37] (1) For Best and Weakest game dropped are counted as "0", (2) For not played games (forfeit, bye, etc) is "compute with real points", (3) For adding own points is "No", (4) For dropped players is counted as "No points (for all rounds)" 
2. SB with variable [52] - variables are the same as above 
3. Bucholz with variable [37]
- variables are the same except - For not played games (forfeit, bye, etc) is "compute as draw against the player himself"

Entry Fees

The entry fee for the event is set as RM 25 (For all players) and RM 15 (for U-12). In order to facilitate and encourage efficiency and punctuality, a RM5 penalty shall be imposed if registration is made on the event day itself.
Note: The Champion (Wong Jianwen), Best Lady (Nithyalakshmi)and Best U-12 (Ng Jen Sheng) from Renegade Weekend event is invited to return for free!


For online payment, please deposit payment into CS SOLUTIONS account (CIMBAccount: 1410-0000234-10-2)


For inquiries/ entry forms, please contact Najib Wahab at +60163382542 or email najib.wahab@hotmail.com, or visit our DATCC website at http://datcchess.blogspot.com

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Dalam hidup, terkadang kita lebih banyak mendapatkan

Apa yang tidak kita


Dan ketika kita mendapatkan apa yang kita inginkan,

Akhirnya kita tahu bahawa yang kita inginkan

Terkadang tidak dapat membuat

Hidup kita menjadi lebih bahagia.

Let's Play Against Shredder